
Goldmann PR & Kulturmanagement
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Here you will find selected text- and imagematerial for press purposes.
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"Hair", 1948
Ink on paper
27 x 21 cm
Collection Jerry Gorovoy, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Avenza", 1968 – 69
53.3 x 76.2 x 116.8 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Allan Finkelman

"Untitled", 1968
Gouache, watercolour, ink, charcoal, and pencil on paper
69.2 x 102.9 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Nature Study", 1984; cast 2001
Pink rubber
76,2 x 48,2 x 38,1 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Insomnia", 1995
Ink and pencil on music paper
30.5 x 22.9 cm
Collection Jerry Gorovoy, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Spider", 1996
326,3 x 756,9 x 706,1 cm
Installed at the Rockefeller Center in cooperation with the Public Art Fund.
Courtesy Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Untitled", 1998
Pencil and red ink on paper
22,9 x 29,8 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Kšln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Untitled", 2002
Pencil on paper
20,3 x 24,1 cm
Collection Jerry Gorovoy , New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Rejection Makes Me Wild" (double sided), 2002
Ink, pencil and white out on paper.
22,8 x 29.8 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Kšln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

Kunsthaus Bregenz 2002
"Needle" (Fuseau), 1992
Steel, flax, mirror, and wood
276.9 x 256.5 x 142.2 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: KUB, Markus Tretter

Kunsthaus Bregenz 2002
"Untitled", 1996
Cloth, bone, rubber and steel
300.4 x 208.3 x 195.6 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: KUB, Markus Tretter

"Untitled", 2002
Engraved drawing on India ink prpepared board
91,4 x 61 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Cell XXIV (Portrait)", 2001
Steel, stainless steel, glass, wood and fabric
177,8 x 106,6 x 106,6 cm
Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve, Köln and Cheim & Read, New York
Photo: Christopher Burke

"Louise Bourgeois in 1997"
Photo: Sylvia Plachy